We are the UK’s first purpose-built student accommodation provider to commit to achieving net-zero carbon, through resilient and resource-efficient assets and operations.
Net zero carbon for both our operations and developments by 2030
Our Net zero carbon pathway, published in December 2021, explains how we plan to improve operational performance in our existing estate and turn our vision for net zero carbon new developments into a reality.
How we'll achieve net zero carbon
The Four Cs
To achieve net zero carbon, we need to improve the operational performance of our existing estate. To help us identify how to do this, including the investments we need to make, we have developed a modelling tool which charts the route to net zero for each of our buildings.
The tool combines real-life energy consumption data, information from site surveys and insight from energy efficiency improvements to model the potential impact of combinations of energy efficiency measures.
Impact is assessed against what we call the four Cs: consumption, carbon, cost and compliance. Findings fed directly into our asset management and capital investment planning.
This is an approach was used to plan the refurbishment of Parkway Gate in Manchester, work which is currently underway. Once the renovation is completed so students can move in from September 2022, the building’s energy consumption will have reduced by 30% in line with our net zero carbon target.
Our vision for net zero carbon buildings
Our current projects in development are incorporating aspects which reduce both embodied carbon and operational energy.
Students call for strong action on climate change
In our 2021 survey on the climate crisis, undergraduates say they would like to see campus bans on single-use plastics and fines for students who don’t comply.
Addressing climate risks
Climate change poses a serious threat and as a TCFD supporter we disclose the details of the most significant climate related risks for our business. Water stress is one such long-term issue, so we have been trialling ways to reduce water use in our existing buildings.
To minimise disruption and rising water prices, we have been trialling ways to reduce water stress, including the use of cistern-less toilet flush mechanisms. These shows the potential to cut water use by half. We are running further trials throughout 2022, with a view to expand this project into 2023 and beyond if it is as successful as it seems when rolled out on a wider scale.
- We will deliver net-zero carbon new developments, with meaningful reductions in embodied carbon, by the end of 2030.
- We will achieve net-zero carbon operations, including significant reductions in energy consumption by the end of 2030.
- We will buy 100% certified renewable electricity that supports the development of new renewable generation capacity by 2028 and stop using fossil fuels by the end of 2030.
- We will reduce carbon emissions per bed.
- We will reduce water use.
- We will increase engagement with students and our employees to embed lasting environmentally responsible living habits.