COVID-19 Update: Rent Discount – 11th January 2021
11 January 2021
With students in England asked to remain at home until mid-February following the UK government’s recent Covid-19 lockdown announcement, and ‘stay at home’ orders in place across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland at the present time, we understand the impact that the current situation is having on students. In response, we are offering a rent discount for students who pay their rent directly to Unite Students, to help ease the pressure at this difficult time.
Eligible students will receive a 50% rent discount for a total of 4 weeks, beginning on Monday 18th January. This offer is open to students who are not in residence in their Unite Students property between 18 January and 14 February, and will be credited to their accounts in March. To be eligible, students must have paid their account in full (to January 31st), but those who are currently struggling to keep up with rent payments are urged to contact Unite Students, as well as their university student services team for support. Further information about the discount is available here.
We are also pleased to offer a four-week rent-free contract extension over the summer to eligible students with a contract end date prior to 1 August 2021. This will allow students to take advantage of social, cultural or learning opportunities they may have missed out on this year.
Our top priority has always been the safety and wellbeing of students who live with us. We recognise that this is a very challenging time for students, and we are pleased to be in a position to offer a rent discount for those of our residents who are eligible and unable to return to their student accommodation at this time. At the same time, we are redoubling our efforts to maintain a safe and supportive environment for the thousands of students who continue to live with us. This includes key workers in training, international students who are unable to travel home and, indeed, students who call our accommodation their main residence.
Rent paid this term allows us to continue operating the building for students who are still in residence, providing a safe environment and welfare support, and security to keep students’ belongings safe for as long as they are unable to return to their accommodation.
Further information for students about this rent discount offer is available here.